Staff of Sunti  Golden Sugar Estate in Niger State complained about poor pay during the visit of the Group’s Chairman, Board of Directors, Mr.John G. Coumantaros, with some members of the Group, to the Estate .

In their reactions to the visit, some of the company’s staff said :

” Yes ofcux d company is doing good but in terms of payment on the third party is very poor honestly.”

” Yes , I’m proud of this great organization is an opportunity for all laboratory staff to come in physical contact with you yesterday. Thank you Mr Chairman. From Sunti Sugar Laboratory.”

“We remain committed.”

“Great job we are getting there.”

Following the visit, the Flour Mill of Nigeria – FMN Group (the parent company of Sunti Golden Sugar) said that pursuant to the Group’s commitment to driving sugar-self sufficiency in Nigeria,

” As the only organisation in Nigeria that is actively driving the sugar Backward Integration Programme (BIP), we would always remain committed to sustainably developing local content in Nigeria and across the continent.”

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