The Senior Advisor to the Secretary-General of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), Peter Joy Serwornoo, said that thirty countries in Africa will begin trading under the single market, next year.

In an interview with the Gha­naian Times, Serwornoosaid that currently, seven coun­tries have been trading under the AfCFTA Guided Trade Initiative, adding,  “A lot more countries would come on board and trade next year.”

Mr. Serwornoo, who disclosed this on the sidelines of the Regional Forum on AfCFTA for Anglophone West and North Africa to discuss progress made in the implementation of the trade pact which opened in Accra, stated that the seven countries ( Ghana, Kenya, Tan­zania, Egypt, Cameroon, Rwanda and Mauritius) have been trading in about 96 prod­ucts, including ceramic tiles, tea, and air conditioners.
He said Ghana last year exported ceramic tiles to Camer­oon, and Kenya exported tea to Ghana.

Asked about the value of trade between the seven coun­tries, the Advisor to the Secre­tary-General of AfCFTA said, “It was too early to tell.”

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