“Anyone possessing the counterfeit Arla Dano 14g full cream milk powder is advised to submit stock to the nearest NAFDAC office.”

The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) gave this directives to alert consumers, ditributors and retailers.

In the statement, NAFDAC, said that the alert was as a result of investigations carried out by the TG Arla Dairy Product Enterprise company, the legitimate holder of the Certificate of Registration for the product.

” The counterfeit Arla Dano 14g full cream milk powder has been openly displayed in markets across states, raising concerns about the risks to consumers.

“NAFDAC zonal directors and state coordinators have been directed to conduct surveillance and mop up the counterfeited Arla Dano 14g full cream Milk Powder across the states in Nigeria,” NAFDAC said.

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