The Honourable Minister of Innovation, Science and Technology, Chief Uche Nnaji, has applauded PZ Cussons Nigeria PLC, for upgrading local universities with the latest -of -the- art laboratories equipment.

The Minister gave the commendation during PZ Cussons donations of laboratories equipment to upgrade the Chemical Engineering and Chemistry laboratories at the Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) in Abia State.

The Minister, represented by the Permanent Secretary, Mrs Esuabana Nko Asanye, commended the company for partnering with the National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) in providing research infrastructure in the universities thereby enhancing local research capacity.

Commendations also came from the Acting Director- General NOTAP, Dr (Mrs) Idoreyin Imiyoho.

She praised the partnership between PZ Cussons and NOTAP in upgrading the laboratories.

She acknowledged PZ Cussons as the only industry to partner in the project’ since its inception in 2014.

In his speech on the occasion, the CEO of PZ Cussons, represented by the Supply Chain Director, Africa, Engr. Ifeanyichukwu Abadom, said that the donated equipment was in fulfilment of the tripartite MoU signed between PZ Cussons, National Office for Technology Acquisition and Promotion (NOTAP) and five other universities to support NOTAP-initiated research upgrade laboratory projects.p

Photo: (Left-right) : Engr. Ifeanyichukwu Abadom, Supply Chain Director, Africa, PZ Cussons Nigeria PLC, Dr. (Mrs) Nkeiruka Mbanasor, Registrar, Michael Okpara University of Agriculture Umudike (MOUAU), Dr (Mrs) Idoreyin Imiyoho,  Acting  Director General/CEO NOTAP, Permanent Secretary, Federal Ministry of innovation, Science and Technology,  Mrs  Esuabana N. Asanye and Vice Chancellor, MOUAU Professor Maduebibisi O. Iwe, Dep. V.C. Prof. Udu Herbert listening with rapt attention at explanation of the working of one of the State of the Art Equipment donated by PZ Cussons to the University.

The Vice Chancellor of the university, Professor Maduebibisi Iwe, expressed his appreciation to PZ Cussons and NOTAP.

He said the equipment were ‘the first of its kind intervention’ to the departments coming at a critical time when the university budget is low.

” The project is to deepen NOTAP mandate of entrenching technology acquisition and encouraging Nigerian industries to explore and patronize abundant intellectual resources in our research institutions,” he said.

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