This holiday season, let’s pave the way for a better year by working toward sustainability, in all areas of life.

During the end-of-year holidays, when fortunate, we spend more time with family and friends, cooking, exchanging gifts, or traveling to meet loved ones.

All of these actions can be done in a more sustainable way, respectful of ourselves, others, our cities, and our planet..

Sustainability goes beyond the environment; it includes other things that people need, such as food, health, education, safety, jobs, equal opportunities, and a vibrant quality of life.

Shaping a better future is the spirit of the holidays and the spirit of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This end of the 2024 holiday season, let’s pave the way for a better year, leaving no one behind! Here are some things you can do to make this holiday sustainable, merry, and bright:

1. Put others first – SDG 1 – If the current trends continue, 590 million people will still be living in extreme poverty by 2030. Why not dedicate some time to volunteering at a local food kitchen or homeless shelter? Make sure that nobody feels excluded or alone.

2. Be mindful of your food! – SDG 2 – Waste less food and choose local, seasonal food that is produced sustainably. Or donate non-perishable items to your local food bank. One out of 11 people in the world currently faces hunger, with conflicts, economic crises, and climate change only exacerbating this situation. Food is a gift, don’t waste it!

3. Lead a healthy lifestyle – SDG 3 – Regular access to enough nutritious food is key to an individual’s health. It allows us to grow, fight diseases, and live productive lives. This holiday, remember we all have the “Right to Foods,” so add diverse, nutritious foods to the menu. Don’t forget about daily exercise, and fight the urge to overindulge! 

4. Give or donate a book – SDG 4 –Without a good education, children not only put their livelihood at risk but also their chance to contribute meaningfully to society. Promote education by donating books or giving school supplies this holiday. Don’t leave anyone behind.

5. Support other women! – SDG 5 – Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and half of its potential! But gender inequality persists everywhere. Celebrate the women in your life, and in the new year, support women as leaders, farmers, and fishers in your community. If you are a girl, make sure to complete your school education and aim for the career you want.

6. Cut back on your water usage – SDG 6 – There is no life without water. We need it to drink, grow food, clean, cook, and much more

. Even with progress being made, two billion people will still be living without safe drinking water by 2030. This holiday, use less water by switching off the tap while doing the dishes and challenge yourself to take five-minute showers.

! 7. Reduce your energy consumption – SDG 7 – The holidays are a time for lights, but about 685 million people lack adequate access to electricity. This year, if you use lights to decorate, opt for LED technology or other energy-efficient solutions. Switch off the lights when you leave a room, and why not look into solar panels for the new year?

8. Shop with socially responsible companies – SDG 8 – When giving gifts, look to support companies with a good track record of labour conditions. Support your economy by buying local products and services.

9.  Be innovative!  – SDG 9 – Think outside of the (gift) box this holiday! Innovative practices and technologies can advance society in a myriad of ways. Use social media to spread awareness about innovative and sustainable technologies you learn about.  

10. Be aware of inequalities – SDG 10 – This season, get to know the issues in your community and look for initiatives that work to eliminate inequalities. Explore volunteering opportunities or participate in donation drives. 

11. Advocate for a sustainable city – SDG 11– Cities often reinvent themselves for the holidays, donning lights or other decorations to show their cheer. What if it could reinvent more than just its façade?

When giving gifts, look to support companies with a good track record of labour conditions. Support your economy by buying local products and services.

For the upcoming year, advocate for the kind of sustainable and green city you believe in! Speak to your city council, get involved in city clean-up initiatives, or even donate a tree to your city.

12. Adopt a low-waste lifestyle – SDG 12 – Remember to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Look for foods and products with less packaging.

Give sustainable gifts, find eco-friendly ways to wrap them, and socially responsible support brands. Practice sustainable fashion by recycling and reinventing old clothes instead of discarding them.  

13. Be climate-aware in your eating and shopping – SDG 13 – This holiday, consider the environmental impact of the foods you eat. Add more pulses to your diet; they are nutritious and take little water to produce.

Or try cooking with millets. These ancient grains are versatile, climate-friendly, and nutritious! Reduce your carbon footprint further by walking instead of driving to the market and bringing your shopping bag.

 Check out some ideas from chefs like Fatmata Binta and Rodrigo Pacheco.

14. Be ocean-friendly – SDG 14 – Choose fish that has been caught or farmed sustainably, such as eco-labeled or certified fish.  Avoid buying food items with excess plastic packaging that often ends up in our waterways. Diversify the fish you eat, for your health and the health of our oceans.

15. Keep parks and soils clean – SDG 15 – Holidays can generate a lot of waste. Be sure to dispose of it responsibly. Chemicals from batteries or leftover cleaning detergents, for example, can seep into soils and pollute them.

16. Promote inclusion and respect for others – SDG 16 – This season, make an effort to learn about other religious traditions and holidays.

Not everyone may celebrate in the same way as you. Learning more about others helps to cultivate respect toward people of different ethnic origins, religions, genders, sexual orientations, or opinions. Foster an inclusive environment in your communities for everyone, including those who may have disabilities.

17. Share what you have learned! –  SDG 17 – Share this story and show support for local initiatives that promote sustainable development. Team up with your community to make your voice stronger! FAO’s partnership with world-renowned Harlem Globetrotters, for instance, seeks to inspire children to adopt healthier lifestyles.

Don’t let your good habits end after 17 days! This is only the beginning. Let’s make a difference this holiday season to ensure Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life for everyone in your city. 

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