Ministries,  Departments and agencies of the government (MDAs),  especially those that are under the Federal Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment,  have abandoned their official websites in preference for the social media platforms.

Investigation by Industrial Times,  reveals that the official websites of some of these MDAs , built at a high costs and staffed,  are not active for the reasons they were constructed – an information hub for investors, the media and other stakeholders.

Industrial Times checks confirm that for instance, the National Sugar Development Council website had been dormant since August 5, 2021.

Since Kamar Bakrin took over the mantle of leadership as the executive secretary/CEO, the site has not been updated as most of the Commission’s activities are being projected via its social media platform,  especially Facebook.

Check on the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and , also showed that the website was last updated  February 14, 2024.

The Minister (Dr DorisUzoka-Anite) informs  stakeholders about her interactions with the domestic and international audience mostly through her X handle (formerly Twitter).

Likewise, the NIPC, and the NEPC have all taken to social media for marketing Nigeria investment potentials to the local and international investors.
NIPC’s last uploaded in  May 2024, NEPC August 2, 2024 and SON June 27, 2024.

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