The Minister of Solid Minerals, Mr. Dele Alake, has unfolded President Bola Tinubu’s seven-point agendas for the  solid minerals sector.

Alake, during an interactive session with Political Correspondents, today , in Abuja, said that he has the mandate of President Tinubu to ensure that the Solid Minerals sector accounts for at least 50 percent of the nation’s GDP.

He disclosed that the seven-point agenda includes:
* The establishment of the Nigerian Solid Minerals Corporation;
* Joint Ventures with Mining Multinationals;
* Big Data on specific seven priority minerals and their deposits;
*30-day grace for illegal miners to join artisanal cooperatives;
* Establishment of Mines Surveillance Task Force and Mine Police;
*Creation of six Mineral Processing Centres to focus on Value-Added products as well as
*  Review of all mining licences.

He said : “Consequently, the Ministry shall work towards the incorporation of the Nigerian Solid Minerals Corporation.

This is a corporate body that will have subsidiaries doing business in the seven priority areas that require immediate intervention and focus: Gold, Coal, Limestone, Bitumen, Lead, Iron-ore and Baryte. Existing enterprises, such as the National Iron-Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) and ongoing arrangements, such as the Bitumen Concessioning Programme, will be reviewed to fit into this new system.

“The Ministry will embark on a comprehensive review of all mining licences in the country; a total overhaul, review of all mining licences in the country.

“The proposed corporation will seek and secure partnership investment agreements with big Multinational companies worldwide to leverage on the attractive investment-friendly regime operating in the country to secure massive Foreign Direct Investment for the mining sector. The positioning of the national corporation as a guarantor and protector of the partnership agreements is expected to assure partners of our seriousness and fidelity.

Similarly, the Solid Minerals Corporation will provide robust support for Nigerian businessmen seeking funding abroad and help to authenticate their investment proposals to speed up the commitment of their partners to invest.”

Author: Franklin Ocheneyi

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